Wanted industries in Dubai, UAE

Wanted industries in Dubai, UAE - Makebiz

Statistical data on the economic development of the region allows us to draw a conclusion about the highest priority industries for doing business in the Emirates. Among the key factors are active investment and investment growth, cooperation with major international organizations, introduction of innovations and government support. 

Manufacturing is mostly represented by the oil sector. The growth of this industry is facilitated by low operating costs, established logistics chains and incentives for export and import of raw materials.  

Attraction of highly qualified specialists and active introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of life and work in the UAE contribute to the active development of the telecommunications and IT industries. It is worth noting the presence of specialized free economic zones with a focus on innovative technologies, where there is special support from the government and conditions for the successful development of this type of business. 

The infrastructure of Dubai is famous for various types of transportation, which contribute to the active development of the logistics sector and cargo storage. Favorable geographical location and opportunities of land, sea and air modes of transportation make UAE a link in trade between Asia, Africa and Europe, reducing the cost of transporting goods. This industry has consistently shown significant growth and potential. 

The ambitious goals of the government to introduce environmentally friendly technologies are a special incentive for entrepreneurs and investors. Almost every sector of the economy implements «green» policies to minimize waste and promote environmentally friendly products and technologies. The government’s long-term economic initiative in this sector actively supports environmental projects to position the UAE as a world leader in sustainable development.

The trade industry contributes more than 20% of the region’s GDP. It also receives special attention from the government as offline and online merchandising businesses contribute to sustainability and economic prosperity. The UAE has established itself as a region with quality and safe products and excellent service levels, so the trade sector remains a priority for most entrepreneurs. 

The hospitality industry is becoming an increasingly popular sector of the economy, thanks to the active inflow of tourists and a multiple increase in tourist routes, attractions and types of recreation for every taste and purse. 

Favorable conditions of Dubai for living and working contribute to the active relocation of foreign nationals for permanent residence of entire families. This is an obvious reason for the active development of the construction and real estate industry. Quick return on investment in this area attracts a lot of businessmen as well

The healthcare industry also makes a significant contribution to the GDP of the region. Highly qualified specialists, innovative technologies, high level of service and government control over compliance with quality standards ensure an influx of patients from all over the world. The Dubai Healthcare City freezone and DuBiotech Biotech Park attract major pharmaceutical organizations.

Demand for compulsory insurance services and reliable banking services ensures the development of the financial sector of the economy. The largest national and international banks are located here, allowing to make transactions with investments, insurance and finance, working with the attraction of modern technologies. 

Thus, the active economic policy of Dubai contributes to the development of most industries attractive for business and investment. 

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