Tools for analyzing products for sale on Amazon in Dubai, UAE

Tools for analyzing products for sale on Amazon - Makebiz

One of the most popular and in-demand business ideas all over the world is trading on marketplaces. The volume of buyers on online marketplaces is multiplying every year, and the traffic figures for such sites are staggering. For example, Amazon’s site has averaged more than 2.2 billion visits per month since 2023.

Of course, the e-commerce industry has many of its own peculiarities of doing business. The most important stage on which sales and profits depend is analyzing the products on the site, customer demand and competitors’ offerings. We have collected several free tools for searching and analyzing items for sale on Amazon.

1. CamelCamelCamelCamel is suitable for studying the prices of items sold on Amazon. It’s important to track competitive prices so that the flow of buyers doesn’t go to a competitor that sells cheaper. It is also useful to perform such analytics at the supplier selection stage and to calculate unit economics: whether the purchase price will exceed the potential profit after the sale.

2. Keepa will help with analyzing a specific product type. You can check the sales history and rating, depicted on a convenient graph. A useful functionality that can be utilized when selecting a product for a business, thereby checking its demand and potential revenue.

3. AMZBase — wholesale supplier database for purchasing with links to websites or with contacts of sellers. At this stage it will be useful to learn more about the product and its features.

4. Unicorn Smasher will be suitable for analysis in case you have not exactly decided on the type of products, and are only thinking about a certain category. For example, for a key phrase on the site you will see information about the number of sellers, colors and variations of products. The most interesting fields about the number of sales and turnover per month.

5. Keyword Tool is a great assistant in setting up a semantic kernel. It collects all kinds of keywords from low-frequency to high-frequency keywords for the queries you entered. Then you will be able to select the words that best fit your category and use them in the features and description. For the same purpose, you can use another convenient database with key phrases — Sonar.

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