Investment funds of Dubai, UAE

Investment funds of Dubai, UAE - Makebiz

Dubai is an international financial center with a stable economy and promising conditions for business, attracting many investors in all kinds of areas: IT, real estate, trade, etc. In this regard, it is worth considering investment funds and platforms characterized by professional management, high reputation and minimal risks. 

1. Scottish Mortgage is a Scottish investment fund with an impressive history since 1909. The company’s reliable portfolio with a constant pool of capital for investment has all conditions for long-term growth. 

2. Dunn Capital is a mutual fund that shows decent growth even during financial crises in the world. The company’s research team has developed a flagship effective risk-adjusted strategy. 

3. Fundsmith Equity Fund provides its clients with unique proprietary information based on the performance of more than 18,000 active portfolio managers. The company invests in major stable and growing international businesses trading at favorable valuations. 

4. Fidelity Global Dividend focuses on international stocks with impressive growth resources and dividend-paying organizations.

5. Fidelity Emerging Market Fund is characterized by minimal risk, with a strategy of investing in securities with high yield potential, which provides growth, thanks to the free flow of funds.

6. Schroder Mid Cap US Fund invests in equity securities of small and medium-sized companies undervalued by other funds and with potential capital growth.

7. Invesco Perpetual Asian has an impressive equity portfolio and follows a specific approach with in-depth analysis of companies’ macroeconomic performance.

8. M&G Global Macro Bond invests in a large number of fixed income assets as well as corporate and government bonds in high growth economies.

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