How to cancel a visa in Dubai, UAE

How to cancel a visa in Dubai, UAE - Makebiz

All foreign residents must cancel a visa valid in the United Arab Emirates if they leave the country. The procedure depends on the type of visa held. Cancellation is usually the responsibility of the sponsor, if available.

 If the visa is a work visa, the applicant must cancel the employment contract at the Ministry of Human Resources (MOHRE). It is then worth signing a document confirming that the worker has been paid. Some employees are entitled to a separation allowance. If the visa is a family visa, the sponsor needs to file a visa cancellation application with the appropriate authority. When a resident sponsors family members, then he or she will have to cancel their visas first and then his or her own.

The basic steps in revocation are:

1. Notifying the sponsor of the decision to cancel.

2. Gathering a set of documents and submitting them to the General Directorate of Residence and Foreign Affairs or the Immigration Department.

3. Payment of outstanding fees.

4. Receiving approval and leaving the country.

Among the documents you need to prepare are Emirates ID and visa, application form and passport copy, medical insurance cancellation document and proof of departure from the country (airline tickets). In private cases, you may need company documents (if you were a founder), confirmation of payment of fees, request for annulment from your employer.

Cancellation of resident visa due to liquidation of the company in Dubai requires special attention. The liquidation process involves many important steps. An article on this topic was previously published on our website.

Makebiz specialists will help you with any legal and accounting issues related to visas and business. 

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